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Handbetriebene Pumpe zum Testen von Dieselinjektoren
Handpumpe zur Kalibrierung und Überprüfung der Funktion der Dieselinjektoren
- präzise Einstellung des Einspritzdrucks (Einstelldruck der Einspritzdüse einstellen)
- Kontrolle der Sprühzerstäubung (Muster- und Schwingungseigenschaften)
- Dichtheit kontrollieren (Undichtigkeiten)
- Ausgestattet mit Bypassventil für das Manometer.
Wählen Sie: 0 -> 400 Balken.
Tank mit Filter ausgestattet
Lieferung mit 2 Anschlussrohren: 14-14 und 14-12 mm
Plastic reservoir for 9375
Plastic reservoir with cover, for the manual operated injector tester 9375
Hand operated pump for testing diesel injectors
Hand pump for calibrating and checking the operations of
the diesel injectors
- precise adjustment of the injection pressure (adjust the
opening pressure of the injection nozzle)
- control of the spray atomization (pattern and vibration
- control tightness (leaks)
- equipped with bypass valve for the manometer.
Dial: 0 - 600 bars gliceroil
Tank fitted with a filter
Supplied with 2 connection pipes: 14-14 and 14-12 mm
Hand operated injector tester ISO 8984, 0÷600 BAR armored manometer (large case)
Hand pump for calibrating and checking the operations of
the diesel injectors
- precise adjustment of the injection pressure (adjust the
opening pressure of the injection nozzle)
- control of the spray atomization (pattern and vibration
- control tightness (leaks)
- equipped with bypass valve for the manometer.
Dial: 0 - 600 bars gliceroil
Tank fitted with a filter
Supplied with 2 connection pipes: 14-14 and 14-12 mm