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  • This section refers to specialty hand tools and test equipment that are always in demand
  • They are also considered evergreen, meaning their need will never expire, as they are crucial for everyday processes in the diesel service industry. 


Caja de herramientas bombas CAV
Caja de herramientas para montaje y desmontaje de bombas rotativas CAV.
(17 artículos - 24 detalles)
Configuración de soportes especiales, sondas y comparador (en estuche de madera) para la puesta en fase de las bombas rotativas Bosch VE.
Configuration of special holders, probes and comparator (in wooden case) for the phasing of the Bosch VE rotary pumps.
Comparator bearings box for BH A...B...C e VE pumps
Complete tool box with comparator bearings for the survey of delivery start ratio on Bosch rotating pumps A, B, C and VE type on diesel engines.