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Livre de Marbed

Marbed's Book

  • Since 2011, the Marbed's Book has been organized into three color-coded sections: 
    1. green: test bench equipment, 
    2. red: tools for pumps, 
    3. blue: tools for injectors.

  • Subcategories enable you to progressively refine your search for specific products.


Goniomètre 180° pour vérifier l'angle du levier de commande du régulateur RQV-K
Alignment tool
Alignment tool, oversize hydraulic head for DPA pumps. Similar to CAV / Lucas / Delphi 7144-508C
Etau pivotant vertical
Etau pivotant vertical pour brides opérationnelles de pompes PES…A,VE,VA etc.
Support Focs engine
Patent fixing clamp for BOSCH nozzle-pump PDM 1Q60F V on Focs engine.
Plaque pour 3 cylindres Yanmar
Plaque pour 3 cylindres Yanmar 0703M3 type K, modèle John Deere JD 650
Copper washers box
Assortment of 450 copper washers for the correct positionning the common-rail nozzle holders into the combustion chamber
Plate for Bosch Q pump
Fixing plate on 9562-M1 cambox. Bosch Q type application.