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Il Libro Marbed

Marbed's Book

  • Since 2011, the Marbed's Book has been organized into three color-coded sections: 
    1. green: test bench equipment, 
    2. red: tools for pumps, 
    3. blue: tools for injectors.

  • Subcategories enable you to progressively refine your search for specific products.


Special tool for the disassembly and the aligned mounting of the nozzle and for preserving the pins from breaking during the rotation of the nozzle nut.
Special tool for the disassembly and the aligned mounting of the nozzle and for preserving the pins from breaking during the rotation of the nozzle nut.
The tool is equipped with analogic gauge for the reference of the force applied on the injector body.
Similar to 0 986 610 130
Interface for unit injectors
Kit to interface the unit injectors used on VW
Adattatore dentato per smontaggio dado polverizzatore su iniettore pompa VW/AUDI
Estrattore puleggia BMW 520 tds, 320D VP M47 con ghiera 35 x 2mm. Simile a 0 986 613 170
Hexagonal open insert for torque wrench
27 mm hexagonal open wrench, 14 x 18 mm connection.
Adattatore prova iniettori
Nuovo blocchetto iniettori Mercedes Actros diam.26
Injector tester adapter
New injector tester adapter diam.26 for Iveco Tector (petented pipe)
Micron measuring station
Micron measuring station with digital reading. 0-25 mm range.
Kit per la misura della pressione di trasferta nelle pompe cr Bosch CP3/CP1
Strumento per determinare se la valvola ZME può essere mantenuta, invece di installarne una nuova, sulle pompe CP3 e CP1-H.
Simile a 0 986 613 270
Injector tester adapter
New design injector holder 9227-E for testing GM diam.27,5 injectors on Renault Mack 480 truck.
Nuovo supporto per pompe PFM1P100
Nuovo supporto 9562-S per pompe PFM1P100, completo di guida per pompe 0 141 401 106
Flexible pipe
Flexible High pressure line L=600 mm. - M12x1,5 - M16x1,5
Interfaccia per 9664-N
Interfaccia (adattatore con asta) per 9664-N su pompe Delphi DP200