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What are the differences between the 9562-ZX and 9562-ZX2 configurations?

The 9562-ZX configuration was the first universal cambox solution designed to test Zexel camshaftless pumps. 

The updated 9562-ZX2 configuration includes everything from the 9562-ZX, plus two additional plates and one extra camshaft specifically for MD and KD size pumps. 

This makes the 9562-ZX2 a more comprehensive solution for covering Zexel camshaftless pumps of all sizes.

What sizes of Zexel camshaftless pumps can the Cam Box accommodate?

Zexel camshaftless pumps are produced in three sizes—KD, MD, and KX. 

Both the 9562-ZX and 9562-ZX2 configurations support all three sizes. 

However, the 9562-ZX2 is pre-equipped with extra components that make it particularly suitable for MD and KD configurations, ensuring greater flexibility and coverage.

Learn more:

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