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Modular system for testing camshaftless pumps. (2 wooden boxes)
It applies on any test bench for diesel fuel injection pumps.
Combining the Cambox with additional plates and spacers, a complete system is obtained for testing up to 11 types of immersed pumps manufactured by Bosch, Denso and Zexel.
This configuration is supplied in two wooden boxes and includes the following components:

- universal cambox (9562-M1) and spacers (9562-M4, 9562-M5)
- 4 cyl. camshaft 7 mm (9564-A) and 6 mm (9564-B)
- plate for Bosch PFR..1K pumps (9562-A)
- plate for Bosch PFR..1K pumps (9562-B)
- plate for Bosch PFR..2K pumps (9562-C)
- plate for Bosch PFR..3K pumps (9562-D)
- plate for Bosch PFR..4K pumps (9562-E)
- plate for Q-size pumps (9563)
- plate for Stanadyne pumps (9562-M3)
- plate for Zexel PFR..2K pumps (9891)
- plate for Zexel PFR..3K pumps (9892)
- plate for Zexel PFR..4K pumps (9893)
- plate for Nippondenso mini pump 2-3-4 cyl. (9562-M2)
- rod (9562-F, 9562-L, 9562-H) and fuel controller connectors (9562-G, 9562-LB, 9562-I, 9562-R)
- Cambox mounting flange (9478-BXS)
- drive coupling (9576)
Modułowy system do testowania pomp bez wałka rozrządu. (3 drewniane skrzynki)
Ma zastosowanie na każdym stanowisku testowym dla pomp wtryskowych oleju napędowego.
Łącząc Cambox z dodatkowymi płytami i przekładkami, uzyskuje się kompletny system do testowania do 19 rodzajów pomp zanurzeniowych produkcji Bosch, Denso i Zexel.
2 klucze do uzębienia dla gwoździ RS (U) V.Podobny do 0 986 611 475 - KDEP 2998.
Similar to Bosch 0 986 611 475 - KDEP 2998, Zexel 157915-200.
Modułowy cambox, konfiguracja Bosch PFR..K.
Modułowa konfiguracja cambox Zexel PFR..K.
Modułowy system do testowania bez wałkowych pomp PFR1K .., PFR2K .., PFR3K .. i PFR4K .. firmy Bosch.
Cambox można zamontować na dowolnym stanowisku testowym dla pomp wtryskowych oleju napędowego.
Ta konfiguracja jest dostarczana w jednym drewnianym pudełku.
Adapter cable
Kabel adaptera do aplikacji Zexel Covec F w HYUNDAI 104700-9071
Kurs treningowy
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of ZEXEL Covec F1/F2 pumps with electric actuator. This is not a full training concerning the complete overhault of this pump.
The matters of this training are the following:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
- Location: in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration: 1 day (8 working hours)
- Maximum number of attenders: 2 diesel specialists having skills on this type of pump
- Is held in English Language
- Individual Certificate of Training is delivered.