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nozzle cleaning

Light probe
Light probe with magnifing lens for the inspection of the injector body
Transistored ultrasonic box
Transistored ultrasonic box with automatic setting. Made of stainless steel with a capacity of 1,9 litres for special fluid for components.
The box is equipped both with heater and timer and it is supplied with a stainless steel basket for containing parts and 4 fluid bottles.
Technical features: inside dimension: cm 14,9x13,6x10,2 frequency 60Hz Capacity 1,9 litres - 45 W - 127 W peak - made in USA.
Pasta de grão 320 para polir e lapidar bicos diesel
Pasta de polimento e esmeril - grão 320
Spindle with pliers
Spindle with diam.2,2mm pliers for nozzles U.T. (Mercedes, Volvo, BMW)
Spindle with zero closing for piano wire and stubs needles
Wires kit
Piano wire packet in three sizes for nozzle holes 0,20 - 0,30 - 0,50
Pasta grão 600 para polimento e lapidação de bicos diesel
Pasta de polimento e esmeril - grão 600
Caixa de limpeza do pulverizador
Precision tools for the proper cleaning of all S and T type nozzles are housed in a prestigious wooden box. The kit contains a full range of scrapers, hole pickers, cleaning brush, etc., and other essential items (KDEP 2900) .
Biodegradable fluid in package of 5 litres for diesel and eletronic components