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The ERT45R system

Training service
Тренинг по использованию симулятора ERT45R с наборами для проверки насосов ZEXEL VRZ. Это не полное обучение, касающееся полного ремонта этого насоса.
Вопросы этого тренинга следующие:
- Особенности производительности продуктов
- Подробности и проблемы с установкой
- методы использования
- Обслуживание
- Практика с помощью технических специалистов DETEQ. Участники будут сначала проинструктированы, а затем шаг за шагом пройдут нашим техническим персоналом для практических занятий.
- Расположение: в Италии, в штаб-квартире DETEQ
- Продолжительность: 1 день (8 рабочих часов)
- Максимальное количество посетителей: 2 специалиста по дизельному топливу, имеющие навыки работы с насосом этого типа.
- проводится на английском языке
- Индивидуальный сертификат обучения доставлен
Training Service for the ERT45R System on Caterpillar C6.6 pumps
This service is a comprehensive opportunity aimed at enhancing the technical skills of diesel injection Specialists.
This one-day course, spanning 8 working hours, will be conducted in English at the DETEQ headquarters in Italy, accommodating a maximum of 2 participants.
Throughout the course, participants will engage with experienced DETEQ technicians who will cover essential topics including the performance features of the products, installation challenges, proper usage methods, and maintenance practices. The hands-on practicality of this training is crucial; participants will receive step-by-step guidance from our technical personnel during practical exercises. At the end of the session, each attendee will be awarded a certificate, confirming their successful participation and knowledge gained during the training. This initiative not only improves operational competency but also empowers technicians to maximize the efficiency and reliability of their diesel diagnostic systems.
Timing Reference Sensor
Sensor for the test bench shaft for application Caterpillar C6.6
Mounting flange and driving coupling.
The mounting flange and drive coupling have been meticulously designed to support external lubrication effectively, Furthermore, the coupling is equipped with a reference, significantly simplifying the timing process of the pump once testing concludes. This specialized approach not only enhances the reliability of performances and accuracy of diagnostics but also underscores the commitment to excellence toward the fuel injection system performance.
Hydraulic connections
Hydraulic connections between the CAT C6.6 pump and the external lube 8217
Lubrication fittings
Set of fittings for connections with test bench equipped with the lubrication system.
kit per prova valvole pressione pompe VRZ
Комплект Zexel VRZ для проверки давления и расхода клапана и головки клапана
Corso per HP0
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of DENSO HP0 pumps.

Service features:
- The training course will take place in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration of 1 day ( 8 working hours )
- Maximum for 2 participants
- Is held in English Language
- The standard training is destined to participants already operators of diesel systems.
- Is excluded the technical instruction on the technology of the components which are object of the machine operativity. This kind of service can be provided only upon agreement with DETEQ.
-At the end of the training will be issued a frequency profit Certificate

The course includes the training provided by DETEQ Technicians, for:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
Training service for BOSCH CP2 application
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of Common rail BOSCH CP2 pumps .This is not a full training concerning the complete overhault of this pump.
The matters of this training are the following:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
- Location: in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration: 1 day (8 working hours)
- Maximum number of attenders: 2 diesel specialists having skills on this type of pump
- Is held in English Language
- Individual Certificate of Training is delivered.
Integration kit for 8217 lubrication unit on CP2 pumps
Lubrification connections for CP2 pumps > lube
Set of hydraulic connections for DENSO HP0 pumps
Set of hydraulic connections for DENSO HP0 pumps. Items included:
Holder adapter for overflow valve and pipe connections for transfer pressure without manometer.
Cap for PCV valve
High pressure pipes for DENSO HP0 application
Set of pipes of connections for DENSO HP0 application
Set of hydraulic connections for BOSCH CP2 pumps
Set of hydraulic connections for BOSCH CP2 pumps. Items included:
Holder adapter for overflow valve and pipe connections for transfer pressure without manometer.
Cable for camshaft pulse control of pumps BOSCH CP2
Test injector ref. 1 688 901 105
High pressure pipes for BOSCH CP2 application
Set of pipes of connections for BOSCH CP2 application
Interfaccia per VRZ
Интерфейс VRZ для продвинутого читателя
ERT45R комплект программирования для тестирования роторных насосов Zexel VRZ
ERT45R комплект для программирования Zexel VRZ
В комплект входят:
- Карта программирования, которая позволяет Simulator ERT45R активировать необходимые функции для проверки насоса этого типа.
- основной кабель (длина 2 метра)

*** Требуется переходной кабель 81.06.235
Расходомер FL400/A
Являясь ключевым компонентом метода испытаний ERT45R, расходомер FL400/A обладает возможностями двойного измерения, позволяя поочередно контролировать расход в магистрали высокого давления и обратный поток.
Комплект программирования ERT45R для тестирования насосов Commonrail CP1, CP3, CP1H и CP4.

В комплект входит:
- Плата программирования, которая позволяет Simulator ERT45R активировать необходимые функции для проверки насоса этого типа.
- переходные кабели
- руководство по обслуживанию с пошаговыми иллюстрированными инструкциями

*** базовый кабель (81.01.3765) заказывается отдельно
Kit connessioni idrauliche per CP4
Cable for the return of the pump
Cable for feeding pump
Set of high pressure pipes
The kit includes:
- program card to allow the ERT45R Simulator to actuate the necessary functions to test this type of pumps
- Adapter cable
- Illustrated step-by-step instructions manual
Adapter cable for Zexel Covec F pumps
Adapter cable for Zexel Covec F pumps application on Hyundai H100 ( 407980-2670) - 15 poles