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Tool for survery delivery start
Капиллярная трубка для облегчения начала подачи топлива.
Резьба М18х1,5.
Feeler pin assembly
Feeler pin assembly. Similar to CAV 7244-70A
Длинная розетка
Длинная головка для динамометрического ключа (квадрат 1/2 дюйма) для сборки/разборки винта перемещения кулачка (7244-125)
Spanner for transfer pump rotor (rif. CAV 7044-889)
Drive shaft holding tool
Инструмент для удержания приводного вала (CAV 7144-773)
Guided wrench
RQV...A guided wrench
for mass holder nut
Governor wrench
RQV…B…guided wrench for mass-holder nut
Turbo testing instrument
This tester checkes the maximum pressure BAR on LDA and on the exhaust manifold -it also checkes the exhaust gas temperature. This checking must be done on the motor vehicle
Comparator supports box
Universal comparator supports box for delivery start on test bench and check for BOSCH P injection pumps setting on the engine
Removing wrench
Removing wrench for the precombustion chamber ring on MERCEDES 250 D
Similar to MB 604589010900 , 604 589 0109 00
Centesimal comparator
Centesimal comparator 30mm stroke for BOSCH rotary pumps timing (Rif. BH 1 687 233 012)
Hook for O-ring extraction
Similar to KDEP 2938, BH 0 986 611 292
Spline socket wrench for the Z (WM)
Toothed wrench for pressure unions for PE…ZW (M) pumps with 1/2" square connection ( BH 0986 611 274 )