

310 mechanical injectors

Hand operated pump for testing diesel injectors
Hand pump for calibrating and checking the operations of the diesel injectors
- precise adjustment of the injection pressure (adjust the opening pressure of the injection nozzle)
- control of the spray atomization (pattern and vibration characteristics)
- control tightness (leaks)
- equipped with bypass valve for the manometer.
Dial: 0 -> 400 bars.
Tank fitted with a filter
Supplied with 2 connection pipes: 14-14 and 14-12 mm
Two handles spanner
Two handles spanner eyelet 17 mm, eyelet 19 mm, eyelet 22 mm, hex. 22 mm
New conception of marine injector tester
Hand operated pump to test the diesel fuel injectors, nozzle sizes: T, U, V, W and P, R, S, T as well.
The standard version is provided with manometer 0-600 BAR. Complying to the ISO 8984 standard. The tester can be completed with suction smoke device (optional).
Eligible to apply on the same range of 0 681 143 014 (EFEP 67 D) and more.
Hand operated pump for testing diesel injectors
Hand pump for calibrating and checking the operations of
the diesel injectors
- precise adjustment of the injection pressure (adjust the
opening pressure of the injection nozzle)
- control of the spray atomization (pattern and vibration
- control tightness (leaks)
- equipped with bypass valve for the manometer.
Dial: 0 - 600 bars gliceroil
Tank fitted with a filter
Supplied with 2 connection pipes: 14-14 and 14-12 mm
Injector tester adapter
New injector tester adapter Mercedes Actros diam.26 (patented pipe)
Injector tester adapter
New injector tester adapter diam.26 for Iveco Tector (petented pipe)
Injector tester adapter
New design injector holder 9227-E for testing GM diam.27,5 injectors on Renault Mack 480 truck.
Comparator support
Holder for millesimal gauge with 70 mm diameter round top. Made in hardened, ground and lapped steel.
20 吨手动压力机,用于冷成型钢管端部,采用共轨和传统注射方式
9376-D 压力机专为与我们的特定成型套件(需单独购买)配合使用而设计,使您能够处理不同类型和尺寸的管道。 无论您要处理传统喷射管还是共轨喷射管,都有兼容的成型套件可用。
9376-D 压力机上的成型套件,适用于 6mm 外径钢管(传统注射)。
9376-DP6 成型套件配備了一個連接到壓桿的成型頭、兩個錐形半殼(在成型操作過程中用作夾子以固定管道)以及一個量規,用於確定鎖定管道的精確尺寸。管,使零件自由變形。
9376-D 压力机上的成型套件,适用于 8 毫米外径钢管。
9376-DP8 成型套件配备了一个连接到压杆的成型头、两个圆锥形半壳(在成型操作过程中用作夹具来固定管道)以及一个测量仪,用于确定锁定管道的精确尺寸。 管,使零件自由变形。
9376-D 压力机上的成型套件,用于 6mm 外径钢管(共轨注射)。
9376-DP6CR 成型套件配备了用于共轨应用的特定成型头(用于连接到压杆)、两个圆锥形半壳(在成型操作过程中用作夹具以固定管道)以及一个测量仪,用于确定 锁定管道的确切位置,使零件不变形。
请注意,如果没有 9376-D 压力机,成型套件的实用性将受到限制。
该全包套件将我们 20 吨手动 9376-D 压力机的强大功能与三个多功能成型套件相结合,为您提供满足管道修复需求的终极解决方案。
Adapter for injector tester
Tool for testing Man diam.29 injectors
Fume extraction device similar to Bosch 0 684 200 702
Fume extractor unit to be used in conjunction with any hand operated injector tester.
Steel structure with maze of decantation, two-stage filtration and top inspection door.
LED lights to enchance the view are integrated in the spray chamber.
12 V DC fun upto 27 m3 suction