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أطقم وحزم

Comparator supports box
Universal comparator supports box for delivery start on test bench and check for BOSCH P injection pumps setting on the engine
Tool box
Tool box for Lucas Delphi DP200 pumps
Modular cambox, Bosch PFR..K configuration.
Modular system for testing the PFR1K.., PFR2K.., PFR3K.. and PFR4K.. size camshaftless pumps manufactured by Bosch.
The cambox can be applied on any test bench for the diesel fuel injection pumps.
This configuration is supplied in one wooden box and includes the following components:

- Universal Cambox (9562-M1) and spacer (9562-M4)
- 4 cyl camshaft (9564-A)
- Fixing plate for Bosch PFR .. 1K (9562-A)
- Fixing plate for Bosch PFR .. 2K (9562-C)
- Fixing plate for Bosch PFR .. 3K (9562-D)
- Fixing plate for Bosch PFR .. 4K (9562-E)
- Rod (9562-F) and fuel control connector (9562-G)
- Cambox mounting flange (9478-BXS)
- Drive coupling (9576)
Tools panel
Panel of equipment for EDC electronic governors for BH VE, Mercedes, P, R, H pumps
Tools panel
Panel of equipment for BH pump type H
Tools box for CAV (Lucas, Delphi) DPA pumps.
Tool box ( 15 items) for assembly and disassembly of CAV-DPA rotary pumps with mechanical and hydraulic governor.
Tools box
Configuration of special holders, probes and comparator (in wooden case) for the phasing of the Bosch VE rotary pumps.
MW BOSCH Tool box
Tool box for MW BOSCH (type Mercedes) consisting of 18 pieces
MW tools box
Complete tools box for MW Bosch pumps consisting of 26 pieces.
Special tools (in wooden case) for Bosch P7100 / P7800 in-line pumps
Tool box for the assembling and dismounting of BH P 7100 and P 7800, mounted on IVECO TURBOSTAR - MERCEDES... MACK-JOHN DEERE
Tools box
Enlarged configuration of special tools (in wooden case) for the Bosch VE rotary pumps.
Nozzle cleaning tool kit
Precision tools for the proper cleaning of all S and T type nozzles are housed in a prestigious wooden box. The kit contains a full range of scrapers, hole pickers, cleaning brush, etc., and other essential items (KDEP 2900) .
Toolbox for DPS pumps (CAV/Lucas/Delphi)
Tool box for assembly, disassembly and timing of CAV-DPS pumps (Ford T.ID. - F.York - Golf W.) - 51 items.
Comparator bearings box for BH A...B...C e VE pumps
Complete tool box with comparator bearings for the survey of delivery start ratio on Bosch rotating pumps A, B, C and VE type on diesel engines.
طقم تنظيف فوهة الديزل
Nozzle cleaning tool kit (17 articles - 19 pcs.)
Entry-level configuration of special tools (in wooden case) for the Bosch VE rotary pumps.
Complete tool box for EP-VE BOSCH pumps composed of 15 tools (20 pieces)
Box of calibrating shims and tools
Assortment of 850 calibrating shims for Bosch CRI and CRIN injectors, with 5 useful tools.
List of contents:
8210-T1, ball handling tool
8210-T2, antimagnetic pair of pliers
8210-T3, ring inserter
8210-T4, valve interter
8210-T5, ring extractor
8210-R04 from 1.20 to 1.66, every 0,02 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R05 from 1.20 to 1.66, every 0,02 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R06 from 1.20 to 1.66, every 0,02 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R07 from 1.20 to 1.66, every 0,02 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R13 from 1.14 to 1.25, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R28 from 8.40 to 8.51, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R29 from 8.40 to 8.51, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R34 from 0.99 to 1.10, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R35 from 0.99 to 1.10, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R41 from 1.19 to 1.10, every 1.30 mm (5 pcs each thickness)