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swivel vises for diesel pumps - heavy version

Swivel vice for Common-rail pumps
Swivel Vice for Diesel Pump Assembly/Disassembly
Reinforced swivel base, for mounting / dismounting the injection pumps at the workbench.
Fixing tool
Interface to be assembled on the flange 8130 and 9478-CR for fixing Delphi cr pumps as R9042A040A or R9042A014A and similars.
Staffe di fissaggio
Pair of mounting bracket for the easy disassemble and reassemble of HP0 pumps. The bracket has to be installed on the swivel vice 9260.
Prolonged shaft with guide, (810 mm long)
Similar to Bosch genuine ref. 0 986 611 258, KDEP 2919/1/13
Poros 28 mm dengan panduan 10 mm, panjang 590mm
Similar to Bosch genuine 0 986 611 252 (KDEP 2919/1/3) - 380 mm
Interface for CP3 pumps
Interchangeable mounting plate for CP3 pumps, to be used in conjuction with the operating flange 8130.