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InjectionPower Membership
Program Loyalitas InjectionPower adalah platform keunggulan yang dirancang khusus bagi mereka yang menangani perbaikan pompa dan injektor,​ berencana untuk berinvestasi lebih dari 5000 EUR dalam keunggulan.
Tersedia profil STARTER, PREMIUM, dan ELITE.
Keanggotaannya diperpanjang secara otomatis setiap tahun.

>> >Lihat detail fitur dan manfaat setiap tingkatan, seperti yang dijelaskan di bawah ini.
Modular cambox, Zexel PFR..K , Zexel PFR.. KD, Zexel PFR..MD configuration.
Modular system for testing the camshaftless pumps manufactured by Zexel, with sizes:
- PFR1K.., PFR2K.., PFR3K.. PFR4K..
The cambox can be applied on any test bench for the diesel fuel injection pumps.
This configuration is supplied in one wooden box and includes the following components:

- Universal Cambox (9562-M1) and spacer (9562-M4 and 9562-M5)
- 4 cyl camshafts (9564-A and 9564-E)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 1K (9562-T)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 2K (9891)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 3K (9892)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 4K (9893-D)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 3KD/MD (9562-MD3)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 4KD/MD (9562-MD4)
- Rods (9562-F and 9562-L) and fuel control connector (9562-G, 9562-I, 9562-R and 9562-LB )
- Cambox mounting flange (9478-BXS)
- Drive coupling (9576)
Clinic Level - Basic Module Module. InjectionPower®, Repair Program for common rail injectors.
The Injector Clinic Basic module includes:
- Test bench for testing injectors individually, one by one
- Triggering unit programmable, by microchip cards
- Cables for electromagnetic Bosch, Delphi, Denso injectors
- Training course with the release of the vocational qualification certificate
- Assorted calibrating shims for Bosch injectors
- Station for measuring thicknesses (with digital millesimal gauge)
- Precision instrument for detecting the ball lift
- Ultrasonic cleaning box
- Magnifier on adjustable arm, with built-in lighting
- Tool for regenerating the ball seat valves (Bosch)
- Professional microscope
InjectionPower®, Repair Program for common rail injectors - Professional Level - Electromagnetic Module
The Pro-EM module includes the supply of specific tools for maintenance the Bosch, Delphi, Denso electromagnetic common rail injectors. In details:
- Universal operational station
- Torque wrench
- sockets for actautor and valves
- Tools for assembly / disassembly
- testing device for electromagnetic actuators
Unit kontrol ERT45R
Unit Kontrol ERT45R adalah inti dari sistem pengujian universal yang dirancang untuk pompa injeksi diesel yang dikontrol secara elektronik, kompatibel dengan semua meja pengujian. Simulator inovatif ini telah dikembangkan melalui penelitian ekstensif, menghasilkan perangkat serbaguna yang dapat diprogram melalui kartu pintar (kartu microchip). . Fitur ini selaras dengan kebutuhan operasional modern.
ERT45R adalah investasi jangka panjang, memungkinkan perluasan yang mudah melalui pilihan kit pemrograman yang tersedia—21 opsi saat ini tersedia. Setiap kit mencakup kartu pemrograman (perangkat lunak), instruksi manual terperinci dengan ilustrasi langkah demi langkah, dasar kabel (panjang 2 meter), dan kabel adaptor yang disesuaikan untuk konektor pompa tertentu. Dengan pengaturan yang mudah, setidaknya satu kit pemrograman diperlukan untuk fungsionalitas, menjadikan ERT45R alat penting bagi para profesional yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan pengujian mereka sekaligus memastikan fleksibilitas dan efisiensi di lingkungan kerja mereka.
Ball lift relief tool
High accuracy electronic tool to test and trig the electromagnetic actuator of Bosch CRI and CRIN injectors and automatically relief the ball lift for the 3rd stage repair.
Universal centring flange for common rail pumps, with 4 rings.
The flange 8155-E warrants the centered clamping of the majority of cr pumps (Bosch CP1, CP3, CP4, Delphi, Denso, VDO), on any test bench.
The flange is equipped with 4 rings of reduction to suite the 50, 60, 68, 80 mm hub diameters, as well as CP1K pumps.
The flange requires 9680-A universal cradle or similar.
High pressure test pipes for test bench (unbent)
- external diameter: 6 mm
- internal diameter: 2 mm
- thickness: 2 mm
- length: 600 mm
- nuts: M14x1,5 mm - M12x1,5 mm
Similar to Bosch reference 1 680 750 014, Hartridge AHP117, Denso 95091-10260
Swivel vice for Common-rail pumps
Extractor for the bush of the pressure regulating valve
Corresponding to Bosch reference 0 986 611 562 - KDEP 1027, Zexel 157829-4620
Kopling drive untuk gigi DPA
Antarmuka adaptor untuk menggerakkan pompa CAV DPA (dilengkapi dengan poros splined betina), melalui sambungan berbentuk kerucut 17 mm. Antarmuka laki-laki splined, laki-laki meruncing.
Swivel Vice for Diesel Pump Assembly/Disassembly
Reinforced swivel base, for mounting / dismounting the injection pumps at the workbench.
CAV-DPC Tool box
Tool box for assembly, disassembly and timing of CAV DPC pumps (17 particulars).
Hand operated pump for testing diesel injectors
Hand pump for calibrating and checking the operations of the diesel injectors
- precise adjustment of the injection pressure (adjust the opening pressure of the injection nozzle)
- control of the spray atomization (pattern and vibration characteristics)
- control tightness (leaks)
- equipped with bypass valve for the manometer.
Dial: 0 -> 400 bars.
Tank fitted with a filter
Supplied with 2 connection pipes: 14-14 and 14-12 mm
Comparator holder M8x1 with pair of probes.
Similar to 0 986 611 754, KDEP 1085, 1 680 110 630.
Two handles spanner
Two handles spanner eyelet 17 mm, eyelet 19 mm, eyelet 22 mm, hex. 22 mm
Dial gauge bracket
Dial gauge bracket for rod stroke. Thread 24x1,5 protusion 18 mm for PE…P pumps
Cradle for Bosch test bench, center distance 125 - guide 20. Similar to 1 688 010 124
Universal clamping bracket to hold several flanges allowing the centered clamping of flanged diesel injection pumps.
The 125 mm centering height and 20mm guide (Bosch standard) can be adapted to different requirements, by the proper adapting spacers.