ERT45R - Il concetto del sistema
The ERT45R is a modular system, structured on 3 layers

At the center, the Universal control unit is the core of the system
The middle ring (gray color) is for the ancillary equipment, depending on the technology group.
The external ring (colored in yellow, orange and red) is for the specific operationals kits, depending on the pump technology
The pump technologies are grouped in three blocks:
The innovation offered by the ERT45R exists in the capability to be an open tool, able to concentrate in a single piece of equipment more electronic control units (ECU) applied in the automotive industry, to read signals generated by several transducers and simulate controls on different actuators. To actuate this demand of flexibility, the control unit is equipped with smartcard reader (plastic cards with microchips).
L'unità di base è provvista di un' Interfaccia semplice, ma versatile per seguire le fasi di controllo.
On the high resolution LCD informative and operative pages are displayed depending on the software handling the injection pump.
The operator is assisted by clear and easy to understand messages.
For each type of pump a special smartcard (programming card), is provided in each specific operational kit. Only after entering the appropriate smart card, will the ERT45R load the reading and controlling procedures dedicated to the specific type of pump. Subsequently, using the proper basic cable, the simulator is ready to be connected to the pump to be tested.
No ancillary equipment is required.
Per queste pompe a controllo digitale si è reso necessario un sistema di sincronizzazione con la posizione angolare dell'albero di rotazione della pompa.
Questo sistema, unico nel suo genere, può essere applicato a qualsiasi banco prova.
La risoluzione a 0,1 gradi angolari consente il preciso controllo dell'iniezione e la perfetta messa in fase della pompa.
La prova delle pompe common rail richiede un misuratore di flusso continuo per determinare la portata e l'efficienza della pompa.
Le applicazioni sui mezzi pesanti richiedono un equipaggiamento di classe superiore.

Smart card (plastic card equipped with microchip for the automatic programming of the simulator)
Basic cable to connect the simulator
Adapter cable(s) or set of adapter cables to interface the electric plugs on the pump.
Illustrated step by step manual to shows how to use the specific functions for any pump type.
Tabelle di prova