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Swivel vice for Common-rail pumps
Ручной насос для проверки дизельных форсунок
Ручной насос для калибровки и проверки работы дизельных форсунок
- точная регулировка давления впрыска (регулировка давления открытия форсунки)
- контроль распыления распыления (характеристики рисунка и вибрации)
- контроль герметичности (утечки)
- оснащен перепускным клапаном для манометра.
Наберите: 0 -> 400 баров.
Бак оснащен фильтром
Поставляется с 2 соединительными трубами: 14-14 и 14-12 мм.
Новая концепция морского инжектора-тестера
Ручной насос для проверки дизельных топливных форсунок, размеров форсунок: T, U, V, W и P, R, S, T.
Стандартная версия снабжена манометром 0-600 бар. Соответствует стандарту ISO 8984. Тестер может быть укомплектован всасывающим дымовым устройством (опция).
Право подать заявку на тот же диапазон 0 681 143 014 (EFEP 67 D) и более.
Plastic reservoir for 9375
Plastic reservoir with cover, for the manual operated injector tester 9375
Splined socket wrench
Splined socket wrench for the low-pressure connections. Hole diam 12 mm ( BH 0 986 612 991 )
Hand operated pump for testing diesel injectors
Hand pump for calibrating and checking the operations of
the diesel injectors
- precise adjustment of the injection pressure (adjust the
opening pressure of the injection nozzle)
- control of the spray atomization (pattern and vibration
- control tightness (leaks)
- equipped with bypass valve for the manometer.
Dial: 0 - 600 bars gliceroil
Tank fitted with a filter
Supplied with 2 connection pipes: 14-14 and 14-12 mm
Disassembly key
17 mm octagonal nozzle retaining nut wrench, 27mm hexagonal drive
Calibrating shims box
Assortment of 850 calibrating shims for Bosch CRI and CRIN injectors.
List of contents:
8210-R04 from 1.20 to 1.66, every 0,02 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R05 from 1.20 to 1.66, every 0,02 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R06 from 1.20 to 1.66, every 0,02 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R07 from 1.20 to 1.66, every 0,02 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R13 from 1.14 to 1.25, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R28 from 8.40 to 8.51, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R29 from 8.40 to 8.51, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R34 from 0.99 to 1.10, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R35 from 0.99 to 1.10, every 0,01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
8210-R41 from 1.19 to 1.10, every 0.01 mm (5 pcs each thickness)
Fixing tool
Интерфейс должен быть установлен на фланце 8130 и 9478-CR для крепления насосов Delphi cr как R9042A040A или R9042A014A и подобных.
Disassembly key
20 mm octagonal nozzle retaining nut wrench, 27mm hexagonal drive. Similar to Bosch 0 986 613 458.
Special tool for the disassembly and the aligned mounting of the nozzle and for preserving the pins from breaking during the rotation of the nozzle nut.
Special tool for the disassembly and the aligned mounting of the nozzle and for preserving the pins from breaking during the rotation of the nozzle nut.
The tool is equipped with analogic gauge for the reference of the force applied on the injector body.
Similar to 0 986 610 130