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Test Equipment

ERT45R programming kit to test Zexel Covec-F1/F2 rotary pumps.
The kit includes:
- Programming card that allows Simulator ERT45R to actuate the necessary functions to test this type of pump.
- basic cable (2 mt. Length)
- adapter cables 81.06.231 (Nissan TD27, CD20), 81.06.234 (Isuzu 4JG2), 81.06.235 (Hyundai-Mitsubishi, 81.06.236 (MAZDA) are included
- servicing manual with step-by-step illustrated instructions
- test data to calibrate some of the pumps which can be plugged to the adapter cables 81.06.231, 81.06.234, 81.06.235
Kit di prova delle pompe rotative Zexel Covec-T
ERT45R programming kit for Zexel Covec-T pumps.
The kit includes:
- microchip card to program the simulator and actuate the necessary functions to test this type of pumps
- basic cable (2 mt. Lenght)
- adapter cable 81.04.803
- illustrated step-by-step instructions manual
- test data to calibrate the pumps which can be plugged to the adapter cable 81.04.803
Bosch H, M, P, R tipi sıralı dizel enjeksiyon pompalarını test etmek için ERT45R Simülatörünü etkinleştiren programlama kiti.
ERT45R Simülatörünün özelliklerini en üst düzeye çıkararak, herhangi bir test tezgahında P, H, M ve R tipinde dizel yakıt enjeksiyon pompalarını test etmek için bu çok yönlü ve kapsamlı kiti kullanın. Kesintisiz çalışma sağlamak için tasarlanan bu kit, verimli ve hassas testler gerçekleştirmek için gereken tüm temel bileşenleri içerir:

Başlıca Özellikler ve Bileşenler:
Programlama Kartı
ERT45R kontrol ünitesinin gerekli işlevlerini etkinleştirir ve gelişmiş test yetenekleri sağlar.

Temel Kablo (2 Metre Uzunluk)
Simülatör ile pompa arasında bağlantıyı sağlarken hareket kolaylığı sunan esneklik ve yeterli uzunluk sağlar.

Adaptör Kabloları (81.03.104)
IVECO, VOLVO ve SCANIA uygulamalarında yaygın olarak kullanılan konnektörlerle uyumludur (Bosch 0 986 610 104'e benzer), bu sayede çeşitli düzenlemelerle uyumluluk sağlar.

Kapsamlı Servis Kılavuzu
Kurulum ve çalıştırmayı hızlı ve kolay hale getirmek için adım adım resimli talimatlar içerir, duraksama süresini en aza indirir ve verimliliği maksimize eder.

Kayıt Formu
Sağlanan adaptör kablosu ile bağlanabilen dizel yakıt enjeksiyon pompalarına özel test planlarına erişim sağlar. Test verileri, lisans sözleşmesinin kabul edilmesi koşuluyla ayrı olarak ve ücretsiz sunulmaktadır.

Önemli Gereksinimler
Kitin tam potansiyelini ortaya çıkarmak için aşağıdaki bileşenlerin optimum çalışma için gerekli olduğunu unutmayın:

ERT45R Kontrol Ünitesi (Parça Numarası 81.01.080B):
Bu programlanabilir kontrol ünitesi, 20'den fazla farklı dizel yakıt enjeksiyon pompası türünü destekleyen kritik bir bileşendir ve sistemin çok sayıda test senaryosundaki işlevselliğini artırır.
Ek Adaptör Kabloları:
Çeşitli özelleştirilmiş dizel yakıt enjeksiyon pompalarıyla uyumluluğu sağlamak için ek adaptör kabloları mevcuttur, böylece kitin farklı operasyonel ihtiyaçlara uyum sağlama kabiliyeti genişler.
Performansı Maksimuma Çıkarın
En iyi sonuçları elde etmek için gereken tüm bileşenlerin kurulumunuza dahil edildiğinden emin olun. Bu, programlama kitinin en yüksek kapasitede çalışmasını, test uygulamalarında üstün performans ve esneklik sunmasını sağlar.

ERT45R Simülatör Kitini tercih ederek test kabiliyetlerinizi geliştirin ve çeşitli dizel yakıt enjeksiyon pompası uygulamalarında güvenilir performans sağlayın.
ERT45R Programlama Kiti Bosch VE-HDK 2. Nesil Dizel Pompaları için (Endüktif Regülatör).
Kit to program ERT45R Simulator, to test Bosch VE-HDK pumps (2nd generation technology, with inductive actuator).

The kit includes:
- programming card that allows ERT45R Simulator to actuate the necessary functions to test this type of pump
- basic cable (2 mt. length)
- Illustrated step-by-step instructions and servicing manual
- Adapter cable 81.02.430 (Similar to Bosch 0986612430). Additional cables are available, under request
- Test data to calibrate the pumps that can be connected to the adapter cable 81.02.430
Test-akümülatör montajı
ERT45R test yönteminin temel bir bileşeni olarak Test Akümülatörü, basınç kontrol valfi tarafından boşaltılan yakıtın ayrılmasını sağlayan güvenilir bir bileşendir. Bu işlevsellik, test süreci boyunca tutarlı basınç seviyelerinin korunması için hayati önem taşır.
TP03 test instrument for detection of pressure peaks and leakage.
TP03 is a digital manometer equipped with memory, to display the peak pressure as well as the effective pressure.
Furthermore, TP03 calculates the leakage time, that is the necessary time to pass from an higer level of pressure to a lower one (both limits are programmable).
For these features TP03 is the most appropriate electronic instrument to be used in conjunction with an injector tester, to automatically relief the Nozzle Onpening Pressure (NOP) of the conventional diesel fuel injectors, as well as NOP1 NOP2 of the 2-stage (double spring) injectors.
By a T connection (M14x1,5), the pressure sensor is insterted into the hydraulic circuit (on the pop tester, between the outlet from the pump and the injector). TP03 is an add-on to any hand operated injector tester and doesn't enahce the hydraulic performances of the injector tester.
When connected directly on vehicle, the TP03 can also be used to test the pressure and detect leakages in Common-rail systems.
24 months warranty.
DIT31 fuel filter (15 micron)
KIT sensore CPS ( carriage position sensor)
Sensor kit for CPS ( carriage position sensor) on Delphi DP210 pumps
Adapter cable
Adapter cable for Zexel Covec F application on HYUNDAI 104700-9071
Training on ERT45R (application Denso V3/V4/V5).
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of DENSO ECD-V3/V4 & DENSO ECD-V5 pumps..

Service features:
- The training course will take place in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration of 1 day ( 8 working hours )
- Maximum for 2 participants
- Is held in English Language
- The standard training is destined to participants already operators of diesel systems.
- Is excluded the technical instruction on the technology of the components which are object of the machine operativity. This kind of service can be provided only upon agreement with DETEQ.
-At the end of the training will be issued a frequency profit Certificate

The course includes the training provided by DETEQ Technicians, for:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
Cavo adattatore pompe BH VE (Rif. BH 0 986 612 441 - KDEP 1865/12) - PSA
Adapter cable for BH pumps VE..R 520 (PSA -Mercedes 250) - 0 986 612 441, fitted with test data
ALI15 - Power supply for pump H
Stabilised adjustable power supplier for electronic actuator test and adjustment applied on Bosch H in-line pumps.

- Output voltage: 0÷15 Vcc;
- Output current: 0÷20 Amp;
- Power in continuous service at the maximum voltage: 12 Amp;
- Input voltage: 230 Vca - 50 Hz
Training course for the use of the ERT45R simulator and the Bosch VP-VR test kit.
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of BOSCH VP44/VR30 pumps.

Service features:
- The training course will take place in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration of 1 day ( 8 working hours )
- Maximum for 2 participants
- Is held in English Language
- The standard training is destined to participants already operators of diesel systems.
- Is excluded the technical instruction on the technology of the components which are object of the machine operativity. This kind of service can be provided only upon agreement with DETEQ.
-At the end of the training will be issued a frequency profit Certificate

The course includes the training provided by DETEQ Technicians, for:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
Training service
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of ZEXEL Covec F1/F2 pumps with electric actuator. This is not a full training concerning the complete overhault of this pump.
The matters of this training are the following:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
- Location: in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration: 1 day (8 working hours)
- Maximum number of attenders: 2 diesel specialists having skills on this type of pump
- Is held in English Language
- Individual Certificate of Training is delivered.
TC38 - Triggering unit for common-rail injectors
TC38 - Injector triggering unit for common-rail injectors.
This unit has been developed as a module, to be used in two main applications:
- in conjunction with the DIT31 test bench, to test any common rail injector
- in conjunction with the ERT45R simulator, to make running the complete common rail system (pump+rail+injectors) on any test bench.
Main features:
- Triggering command for electromagnetic actuators (always provided)
- Triggering command for piezoelectric actuators (provided as optional, by the CRP extension)
- Ready to multiple injection technology (pre-injection, main injection, recovery injection)
- no manual adjustment is required, in fact all the parameters necessary to generate the appropriate pulse(s) are memorized in special smartcards (triggering cards)
- Basic triggering cards are provided to acquire the test parameters of any brand new injector. These figures can be used to compare the test results of injectors having the same part number.
- In addition to the basic triggering cards, specific triggering cards (complete with ready-to-use test data) are available for the some of Bosch, Delphi, and Denso injectors.
- when used with ERT45R simulator, the RPM input is available for the dynamic triggering till 4 injectors, automatically in specific way at different speeds. Multiples of additional 4 injectors can be added, as option.
- 24 months warranty. User's and servicing manual.
Corso di formazione per l'utilizzo del simulatore ERT45R e del kit per la prova delle pompe Delphi DPCN.
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of DELPHI DPCN pumps. This is not a full training concerning the complete overhault of this pump.
The matters of this training are the following:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
- Location: in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration: 1 day (8 working hours)
- Maximum number of attenders: 2 diesel specialists having skills on this type of pump
- Is held in English Language
- Individual Certificate of Training is delivered.
Training course for the use of DIT31&TC38 Injector tester for the testing of traditional, double spring and common rail injectors ( equipped with electromagnetic and piezoelectric actuator ).
Training course for the use of DIT31&TC38 Injector tester for the testing of traditional, double spring and common rail injectors ( equipped with electromagnetic and piezoelectric actuator ).

Service features:

- The training course will take place in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration of 1 day ( 8 working hours )
- Maximum for 2 participants
- Is held in English Language
- The standard training is destined to participants already operators of diesel systems.
- Is excluded the technical instruction on the technology of the components which are object of the machine operativity. This kind of service can be provided only upon agreement with DETEQ.
-At the end of the training will be issued a frequency profit Certificate

The course includes the training provided by DETEQ Technicians, for:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.