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  • Whether you're looking for tools for common rail pumps and injectors, test bench equipment, or hand tools, our top sellers offer a range of options to suit your needs. ​


ERT45R kontrol ünitesi
ERT45R Kontrol Ünitesi, elektronik olarak kontrol edilen dizel enjeksiyon pompaları için tasarlanmış, her türlü test tezgahıyla uyumlu, evrensel bir test sisteminin çekirdeğidir. Bu yenilikçi simülatör, kapsamlı araştırmalarla geliştirilerek akıllı kartlar (mikroçip kartları) aracılığıyla programlanabilen çok yönlü bir cihaz ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu özellik, modern operasyonel gereksinimlerle mükemmel bir şekilde uyumludur.
ERT45R, mevcut programlama kitleri arasından seçim yaparak kolayca genişletilebilen uzun vadeli bir yatırımdır; şu anda 21 seçenek mevcuttur. Her kit, bir programlama kartı (yazılım), adım adım çizimler içeren ayrıntılı bir kullanım kılavuzu, taban kabloları (2 metre uzunluğunda) ve belirli pompa konnektörleri için özel olarak tasarlanmış adaptör kabloları içerir. Basit bir kurulumla, işlevsellik için en az bir programlama kiti gereklidir ve bu da ERT45R'yi çalışma ortamlarında esneklik ve verimlilik sağlarken test yeteneklerini geliştirmek isteyen profesyoneller için olmazsa olmaz bir araç haline getirir.
Universal centring flange for common rail pumps, with 4 rings.
The flange 8155-E warrants the centered clamping of the majority of cr pumps (Bosch CP1, CP3, CP4, Delphi, Denso, VDO), on any test bench.
The flange is equipped with 4 rings of reduction to suite the 50, 60, 68, 80 mm hub diameters, as well as CP1K pumps.
The flange requires 9680-A universal cradle or similar.
High pressure test pipes for test bench (unbent)
- external diameter: 6 mm
- internal diameter: 2 mm
- thickness: 2 mm
- length: 600 mm
- nuts: M14x1,5 mm - M12x1,5 mm
Similar to Bosch reference 1 680 750 014, Hartridge AHP117, Denso 95091-10260
Swivel Vice for Diesel Pump Assembly/Disassembly
Reinforced swivel base, for mounting / dismounting the injection pumps at the workbench.
Dial gauge bracket
Dial gauge bracket for rod stroke. Thread 24x1,5 protusion 18 mm for PE…P pumps
OTA, Interface to make easier, faster and secure the diagnostic of the electric circuits of actuators and sensors applied on the diesel fuel injection pumps.
Tests and ohmic measurements should be obtained with a multimeter, to be used in conjuction with OTA.
The measuring point are fixed, so that the operator has the hands free.
The combination of the electric contacts is obtained by easily rotating the two knobs, like a game.
Function similar to Bosch 0 986 611 929.
ERT45R Programming Kit for Caterpillar C6.6 and C4.4 Common Rail Pumps
The ERT45R Programming Kit enhances the functionality of the ERT45R control unit, specifically for testing Caterpillar C6.6 and C4.4 common rail pumps.
By leveraging the available features, Diesel Fuel Injection Specialists are equipped to conduct a comprehensive range of tests with confidence, achieving both precision and reliability in evaluating the performance of this type of pumps.
The specialized software together with the cables are crucial for professionals aiming to deliver high-quality service in fuel injection system diagnostics, thereby improving overall operational efficiency.
ISO injectors holder
Holder for test bench, allowing to install 6+6 test injectors with 6 reinforced quick connections pipes for hight pressure application and male/female fittings - 20x1,5mm.
Modular cambox, Zexel PFR..K configuration.
Modular system for testing the PFR1K.., PFR2K.., PFR3K.. and PFR4K.. size camshaftless pumps manufactured by Zexel.
The cambox can be applied on any test bench for the diesel fuel injection pumps.
This configuration is supplied in one wooden box and includes the following components:

- Universal Cambox (9562-M1) and spacer (9562-M4 and 9562-M5)
- 4 cyl camshaft (9564-A)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 1K (9562-T)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 2K (9891)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 3K (9892)
- Fixing plate for Zexel PFR .. 4K (9893)
- Rods (9562-F and 9562-L) and fuel control connector (9562-G,9562-R and 9562-LB )
- Cambox mounting flange (9478-BXS)
- Drive coupling (9576)
Splined coupling to drive CP3.4 (MAN) pumps on any test bench.Similar to 1 685 702 092
Splined coupling to drive CP3.4 (MAN) pumps on any test bench.
Similar to 1 685 702 092
Warrants the centered clamping of the pumps having 50 mm hub diameter, on any test bench. The flange requires 9680-A universal cradle or similar.
Hem common-rail hem de konvansiyonel enjeksiyonda çelik boru uçları için pres makinesi demeti ve Şekillendirme Kitleri
Bu her şey dahil set, 20 tonluk elle çalıştırılan 9376-D Presimizin gücünü üç çok yönlü şekillendirme kitiyle birleştirerek size boru onarım ihtiyaçlarınız için en iyi çözümü sunar.
İster geleneksel ister Common Rail enjeksiyon borularıyla çalışıyor olun, bu paket, doğru aletlerin elinizin altında olmasını sağlar.
Ağırlık: yaklaşık 42 kg
Boyutlar: cm 40x30x56h
TUBO 6X2X600 14/14 (1 680 750 008)
- external diameter: 6 mm
- internal diameter: 2 mm
- thickness: 2 mm
- length: 600 mm
- nuts: M14x1,5 mm - M14x1,5 mm
Similar to Bosch reference 1 680 750 008, Hartridge AHP119, Denso 95091-10280
9700-CR Cassetta lappatura iniettori common rail
Toolset for the manual grinding and lapping of the ball seat on Bosch CRI and CRIN valves.
Tappet holder for PE(S)..A.. pumps. Similar to Bosch 0 986 611 227 - KDEP 2912.
Similar to the reference Bosch 0 986 611 227, Bosch 1 682 027 001, KDEP 2912.