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Denso HP0

Unit kontrol ERT45R
Unit Kontrol ERT45R adalah inti dari sistem pengujian universal yang dirancang untuk pompa injeksi diesel yang dikontrol secara elektronik, kompatibel dengan semua meja pengujian. Simulator inovatif ini telah dikembangkan melalui penelitian ekstensif, menghasilkan perangkat serbaguna yang dapat diprogram melalui kartu pintar (kartu microchip). . Fitur ini selaras dengan kebutuhan operasional modern.
ERT45R adalah investasi jangka panjang, memungkinkan perluasan yang mudah melalui pilihan kit pemrograman yang tersedia—21 opsi saat ini tersedia. Setiap kit mencakup kartu pemrograman (perangkat lunak), instruksi manual terperinci dengan ilustrasi langkah demi langkah, dasar kabel (panjang 2 meter), dan kabel adaptor yang disesuaikan untuk konektor pompa tertentu. Dengan pengaturan yang mudah, setidaknya satu kit pemrograman diperlukan untuk fungsionalitas, menjadikan ERT45R alat penting bagi para profesional yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan pengujian mereka sekaligus memastikan fleksibilitas dan efisiensi di lingkungan kerja mereka.
Installation tools kit for flanged c/rail pumps DENSO HP0 and BOSCH CP2
Set of tools for the installation of the test bench for industrial pumps: C/rail DENSO HP0 NE SENSOR flanged pump (094000-0342) and BOSCH C/rail CP2 pumps.
Universal Test Bench crandle
Sensor holder
Coupling with reference notch cone 30
Universal mounting flange complete with O-ring
Installation tools kit for C/rail pumps DENSO HP0 G Sensor and NE 2 Sensor
Set of tools for the installation of the test bench for C/rail pumpsDENSO HP0 G Sensor (094000-480) and NE 2 Sensor (094000-0240):
Pair of supports H=75 mm with adapter plate
Adapters plate for RPM sensor
Coupling reference notch cone 25
Universal hydraulic connections for heavy duty common rail pumps.
Items included:
- Backflow by-pass set for CP2/HP0 pumps(**)
- Test pipes with propers adapters fittings for CP2/HP0 pumps
- External flowmeter for common-rail Hevy-Duty pumps

(**) This item is strictly required as the feeding capacity of the test bench's pump is not enough to ensure the correct feeding of low pressure (440 liters / hour)
Programming kit for DENSO HP0 CR pumps
The kit includes:
- program card to allow the ERT45R Simulator to actuate the necessary functions to test this type of pumps
- Set of cables for C/rail DENSO HP0 pumps: NE Sensor flanged (094000-0342) and NE with 2 sensors (094000-0240).
- Set of cables for C/rail DENSO HP0 pumps G Sensor (094000-480)
- Illustrated step-by-step instructions manual
Lubrication fittings
Set of fittings for connections with test bench equipped with the lubrication system.
Corso per HP0
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of DENSO HP0 pumps.

Service features:
- The training course will take place in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration of 1 day ( 8 working hours )
- Maximum for 2 participants
- Is held in English Language
- The standard training is destined to participants already operators of diesel systems.
- Is excluded the technical instruction on the technology of the components which are object of the machine operativity. This kind of service can be provided only upon agreement with DETEQ.
-At the end of the training will be issued a frequency profit Certificate

The course includes the training provided by DETEQ Technicians, for:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
Set of hydraulic connections for DENSO HP0 pumps
Set of hydraulic connections for DENSO HP0 pumps. Items included:
Holder adapter for overflow valve and pipe connections for transfer pressure without manometer.
Cap for PCV valve
High pressure pipes for DENSO HP0 application
Set of pipes of connections for DENSO HP0 application
FL400/A Flow-meter
Sebagai komponen utama metode pengujian ERT45R, pengukur aliran FL400/A dilengkapi kemampuan pengukuran ganda, untuk memantau laju aliran ke rel bertekanan tinggi dan aliran balik secara bergantian.
Pengujian perakitan akumulator
Sebagai komponen utama metode pengujian ERT45R, Akumulator Pengujian merupakan komponen andal yang memastikan pemisahan bahan bakar yang dikeringkan oleh katup kontrol tekanan. Fungsionalitas ini penting untuk mempertahankan tingkat tekanan yang konsisten selama proses pengujian.