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231 Tools for CP1 pumps

Universal centring flange for common rail pumps, with 4 rings.
The flange 8155-E warrants the centered clamping of the majority of cr pumps (Bosch CP1, CP3, CP4, Delphi, Denso, VDO), on any test bench.
The flange is equipped with 4 rings of reduction to suite the 50, 60, 68, 80 mm hub diameters, as well as CP1K pumps.
The flange requires 9680-A universal cradle or similar.
Swivel vice for Common-rail pumps
Toolbox for repairing CP1/CP3 common rail pumps
Toolset for CP3 pumps. The following tools are included:
8133 - Clamping tool set for the pumping elements
8171 - Set of 6 sealing ring inserters
8172 - Puller for the shaft sealing ring (25mm)
8173 - Set of 7 O-ring inserters
Inserter bracket and oil seal for CP1 and CP3 pumps
Transfer pressure kit
8225-CP3 helps to determine if the ZME valve can be retained, instead of installing a new one, on CP3 and CP1-H pumps.
Similar to 0 986 613 270
Flexible pipe
Flexible High pressure line L=600 mm. - M12x1,5 - M12x1,5
Estrattore per CP1
Extraction tool for the cap on the rod-type filter on common rail high-pressure pump CP1H with gear pump.
Similar to 0 986 613 165
Extractor tool for the filter cap on CP1H common rail high pressure pumps equipped with gear pump.
Similar to Bosch 0 986 613 162.
Kit controllo depressione con manovuotometro.
This device allows to monitor the pump body pressure (5 BAR).
It is also equipped with ball valve, to measure the negative pressure generated by the pump.
Caution: Not all test benches are able to supply the amount of flow required by the comon rail pumps. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor that, during the test, the pump does not go into cavitation.
Warrants the centered clamping of the pumps having 50 mm hub diameter, on any test bench. The flange requires 9680-A universal cradle or similar.
Braket untuk perakitan / pembongkaran pompa common rail, di meja kerja.
Dukungan melingkar harus dipasang pada alas berputar (ref. 8132 atau 9260).
Sistem ini terdiri dari penyangga cincin melingkar, di mana braket (dapat dilepas) dengan proyeksi yang dapat disesuaikan dipasang, yang memungkinkan untuk menekan tappet. Dudukan melingkar memegang flensa bundar yang dapat dipertukarkan, yang dapat berputar 360 derajat dan dapat dikunci di posisi apa pun.
Flensa internal memungkinkan untuk memperbaiki pompa CP1, CP3, CP4, HP1, HP3, HP4, Delphi dan VDO.
Mirip dengan 0 986 612 794

Sebagai opsi tambahan, flensa opsional berikut juga tersedia:
- 8131, untuk pompa CP3.4
- 9402, untuk pompa mekanis A, M, VE, DPC
Drive coupling
8 mm Oldham drive coupling for CP1 pumps (Mercedes) on any test bench.
Similar to BH 1 685 702 086
Self-threading puller for oil seal on diam.20 shaft ( 0 986 611 821 - Kdep 1114)