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Delphi DPC-N

ERT45R 제어 장치
ERT45R 제어 장치는 모든 테스트 벤치와 호환되는 전자 제어 디젤 분사 펌프용으로 설계된 범용 테스트 시스템의 핵심입니다. 이 혁신적인 시뮬레이터는 광범위한 연구를 통해 개발되었으며, 스마트카드(마이크로칩 카드)를 통해 프로그래밍할 수 있는 다재다능한 장치가 탄생했습니다. 이 기능은 최신 운영 요구 사항과 완벽하게 일치합니다.
ERT45R은 장기 투자로, 현재 21개의 옵션을 제공하는 다양한 프로그래밍 키트를 통해 쉽게 확장할 수 있습니다. 각 키트에는 프로그래밍 카드(소프트웨어), 단계별 그림이 있는 자세한 사용 설명서, 기본 케이블(길이 2m) 및 특정 펌프 커넥터에 맞게 조정된 어댑터 케이블이 포함되어 있습니다. 간단한 설정으로 기능을 위해 최소한 하나의 프로그래밍 키트가 필요하므로 ERT45R은 작업 환경에서 유연성과 효율성을 보장하면서 테스트 기능을 향상시키려는 전문가에게 필수적인 도구입니다.
OTA, Interface to make easier, faster and secure the diagnostic of the electric circuits of actuators and sensors applied on the diesel fuel injection pumps.
Tests and ohmic measurements should be obtained with a multimeter, to be used in conjuction with OTA.
The measuring point are fixed, so that the operator has the hands free.
The combination of the electric contacts is obtained by easily rotating the two knobs, like a game.
Function similar to Bosch 0 986 611 929.
AS25 electronic sensor to measure the travel of the timing-device piston on diesel pumps.
The kit includes the mounting adapters for the following pumps: Bosch VE, Zexel VE, Delphi DPC, DPC, DP200, DPS.
ERT45R programming kit to test the rotary Delphi DPCN pumps.
The kit includes:
- programming card that allows ERT45R Simulator to actuate the necessary functions to test this type of pump
- basic cable (2 mt. Length)
- adapter cables 81.04.002 (Fiat), 81.04.003 (Ford), 81.04.004 (Volvo), 81.04.005 (Clio-Kangoo 1st generation), 81.04.006 (Clio-Kangoo 2nd generation).
- servicing manual with step-by-step illustrated instructions
- Registration form to receive the test plan for the calibration of Delphi DPCN pumps. The available test data are supplied separately free of charge, after having accepted the licence agreement.
Corso di formazione per l'utilizzo del simulatore ERT45R e del kit per la prova delle pompe Delphi DPCN.
Training service for the use of the ERT45R Simulator with the kits for the test of DELPHI DPCN pumps. This is not a full training concerning the complete overhault of this pump.
The matters of this training are the following:
- Performance features of the products
- Details and installation problems
- Methods of use
- Maintenance
- Practice with the help of DETEQ technicians. The participants will be first instructed and then followed step by step by our technical personnel for practical exercises.
- Location: in Italy at DETEQ headquarter
- Duration: 1 day (8 working hours)
- Maximum number of attenders: 2 diesel specialists having skills on this type of pump
- Is held in English Language
- Individual Certificate of Training is delivered.
MM - Multimeter
MM - Palmar multimeter for EDC tests
VTR110, digital thermometer and quick cooling device on rotary pumps.
The device has a double function: not only to measure the fuel temperature at the outlet of the pump, but also it incorporates a lever valve by which it is possible to exclude the control valve on the pump and speed up the fuel cooling.