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Tools for diesel pumps (2.)

MW tools box
Complete tools box for MW Bosch pumps consisting of 26 pieces.
Special tools (in wooden case) for Bosch P7100 / P7800 in-line pumps
Tool box for the assembling and dismounting of BH P 7100 and P 7800, mounted on IVECO TURBOSTAR - MERCEDES... MACK-JOHN DEERE
Pumping base miller size A diam.18x14
Similar to KDEP 2955 - BH 0 986 611 328
Flensa tengah untuk pompa PES…P
diam.107 mm ( Similar to BH 1 685 720 159)
Tools box
Enlarged configuration of special tools (in wooden case) for the Bosch VE rotary pumps.
3 point spanner.
Spanner for triangular (3 point) anti tamper bolt fitted on Bosch VE pumps as plug screw (similar to 1 463 452 313) in the pump body for housing the control lever, on VE pumps.
Similar to 0 986 611 758, KDEP 1087, 1 680 110 650
Test bed flange for EP/VA.. VE ..CAV DPA-DPC pumps Ø50 mm (BH 1 685 720 062)
Tappet lifter
Tappet lifter for PES M RSF 4 and 5 cyl.
Tappet fixing pin
Tappet fixing pin for the seal test of the pumping elements
Toolbox for DPS pumps (CAV/Lucas/Delphi)
Tool box for assembly, disassembly and timing of CAV-DPS pumps (Ford T.ID. - F.York - Golf W.) - 51 items.
Store-box for rotative pumps component parts while disassembling nozzle holders and pumps
It creates 25 (3x8 cyl. + 1) compartments of various sizes to house the components of the pumps in line during assembly and disassembly operations.
Thanks to the perforated bottom, the fuel residues inside the pump are collected in the lower tray which can be easily released.

Overall dimensions: approx. 40x50x20 cm
Wakil putar untuk pompa B - BV (Ref. BH KDEP 2919)
Swivel vice for B-BV pumps ( BH 0 986 611 248 - KDEP 2919 )
Entry-level configuration of special tools (in wooden case) for the Bosch VE rotary pumps.
Complete tool box for EP-VE BOSCH pumps composed of 15 tools (20 pieces)
Bushings puller
Extractor for bushings on Bosch CP4 pumps
Braket untuk perakitan / pembongkaran pompa common rail, di meja kerja.
Dukungan melingkar harus dipasang pada alas berputar (ref. 8132 atau 9260).
Sistem ini terdiri dari penyangga cincin melingkar, di mana braket (dapat dilepas) dengan proyeksi yang dapat disesuaikan dipasang, yang memungkinkan untuk menekan tappet. Dudukan melingkar memegang flensa bundar yang dapat dipertukarkan, yang dapat berputar 360 derajat dan dapat dikunci di posisi apa pun.
Flensa internal memungkinkan untuk memperbaiki pompa CP1, CP3, CP4, HP1, HP3, HP4, Delphi dan VDO.
Mirip dengan 0 986 612 794

Sebagai opsi tambahan, flensa opsional berikut juga tersedia:
- 8131, untuk pompa CP3.4
- 9402, untuk pompa mekanis A, M, VE, DPC